Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Luyster Store

A Brief History: The Luyster Store is part of the Old Bethpage Village Restoration located at 1303 Round Swamp Road, Old Bethpage New York. Luyster Store is a general store originally located near the intersections of 25A & 106 in East Norwich NY. The store itself was built in 1820 and stands today as it once was in 1840 and is a landmark within the Old Bethpage Village Restoration. The restoration itself was built to preserve the history of the county. General stores were common places of congregation and even trade. Some items that were popularly purchased at the Luyster Store were corn brooms, molasses, and lamp oil. In the 1960’s Nassau County permanently moved the Luyster Store to preserve its legacy and history.
Haunted History: Some of the employees claim to have seen apparitions that were not of this time, dressed in period garbs.