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Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Hewlett House

A Brief History: The Hewlett House is part of the Old Bethpage Village Restoration located at 1303 Round Swamp Road, Old Bethpage New York. The Hewlett house was built in the 1795 in Piquet Lane in Woodbury NY. It was inhabited by the Hewlett family, Lewis Hewlett a farmer, and a direct descendant to the Hewlett family. The house was moved to the Old Bethpage Village after the 1960s and restored to the way it looked in 1840. There are some famous people that have visited the village one of them being Matthew Broderick.

Haunted History: Some unusual happenings take place in and outside the Hewlett House. There is said to be initials carved above the fireplace that are said to disappear and reappear. One of the workers there claimed to have been leaning over the fireplace and felt as if a hand touched her on her shoulder. When she turned around there was no one there. That was the first day they noticed the initials. Another visitor reported being drawn to the stairs every time she entered the home. She succumbed to her feelings one day and traveled up the stairs to find a noose hanging from the top of the stairwell. People have claimed to feel uneasy and dizzy upon entering the threshold of the home. Security guards claimed to have heard voices in the home and decided to check it out having the door lock behind him and him jumping out of the window out of fear rather than wait for help to come. There have also been sightings of a woman in white on the premises circling the Hewlett House.

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