SHADOW PEOPLEShadow People – Ghost/spirit like person that looks like a black shadow, but you cannot see through it. Characteristics of a Shadow...
RESIDUAL HAUNTINGA Residual Haunting is a non-conscious; appear as animal, human, or any non-living thing. An example is the “Flying Dutchman”. The Flying...
POLTERGEIST HAUNTINGPoltergeist is a term in German for “noisy ghost”. It can be dependent on a certain individual or group of individuals, which is called...
INTELLIGENT HAUNTINGA haunting where the ghost acknowledges you and may sometimes try to communicate and interact with you. This type of haunting is usually...
ELEMENTAL HAUNTINGIn magical tradition and ceremony, spirits, which govern the four corners of the earth and are, associated with, or reside within, the...
DJINN HAUNTINGDefinitions: Djinn – Plural meaning many Djinni – Singular of Djinn Djinniyan – Female Djinn Arwaah – Adolescent Djinn Djinn comes from...
DEMONIC HAUNTINGDefinitions: Demonology – The study of demons. Demonologist – Person who studies and interacts with demonic cases. Demon – Demons are of...